Preparing For Your Exam
Before arriving for your PET scan, please follow the below instructions:
- For dinner the night before the exam, eat a low carb, high protein diet, e.g., meats, fish, green vegetables, eggs or cheese. Please avoid eating starchy foods such as: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, sugars, etc.
- Do not eat or drink anything after midnight, EXCEPT WATER. Please drink as much water as you prefer. If your appointment is at 12:30 p.m. or later, you may have a high protein snack, to be finished by 6:30 a.m.
- No gum, candy or sugar the morning/day of your appointment.
- No smoking or caffeine 12 hours prior to your appointment.
- No vigorous exercise 24 hours prior to your appointment.
- On the morning of the exam, take your usual medications with WATER, as long as you can take medications on an empty stomach.
- If diabetic, please follow the below instructions.
- If you are diabetic, and on oral treatment, you make take your oral diabetic medications as prescribed, unless you are being seen for a Colon or Bowel Indication.
- If being seen for a Colon or Bowel Indication:
- If blood sugar is below 250mg/dL,
- DO NOT TAKE oral medication
- If blood sugar is above 250mg/dL,
- TAKE your oral medication, but you will have to reschedule your appointment
- If blood sugar is below 250mg/dL,
- If being seen for a Colon or Bowel Indication:
- If you are diabetic, and on insulin treatment, check and record your blood sugar levels 4 hours prior to appointment:
- If blood sugar is below 250mg/dL,
- DO NOT TAKE any insulin
- If blood sugar is above 250mg/dL,
- TAKE ½ your insulin dose
- Eat a high protein snack, e.g., egg or piece of cheese
- If blood sugar is below 250mg/dL,
- If you are diabetic, and on oral treatment, you make take your oral diabetic medications as prescribed, unless you are being seen for a Colon or Bowel Indication.
- Wear comfortable clothes, with no buckles or metal. It is also best to leave any jewelry at home. Times can vary depending on the type of scan. It is best to plan to spend about 2 hours with us.
- If you are claustrophobic, please consult with your physician and contact our staff for the safest possible preparation method. P.E.T. Fusion Imaging does not stock or dispense any medications. If you take or anticipate needing any medication, please bring it with you.
- If pregnant or nursing, you will need to inform our PET/CT staff.
- No barium 72 hours prior to PET/CT exam.
- For inpatients: No I.V. fluids containing sugar solutions.
- Due to the radioactivity used during the exam, we discourage visitors younger than 10 years old.
Failure to follow the guidelines could affect the results of the scan and provide your physician with inaccurate information.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In order to have a successful result of your scan, a costly medication formulated for you will be ordered the day prior to your appointment. Please arrive on time as the medication may not be usable if you are late.
If for any reason, you cannot keep your appointment, please notify the PET/CT staff at: 260.469.4738 before 5 p.m. the day prior to your scheduled appointment time.